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Volume 29, No. 1: June 2011

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Title & Author Page
What date is it? Should there be an agreed datum for luminescence dating? [PDF] 1
G.A.T. Duller
Dose-rate conversion factors: update [PDF] 5
G. Guérin, N. Mercier, and G. Adamiec
Error analysis and modelling of double saturating exponential dose response curves from SAR OSL dating [PDF] 9
G.W. Berger and R. Chen
Core drilling of Quaternary sediments for luminescence dating using the Dormer Drillmite™ [PDF] 15
K. Munyikwa, M. Telfer, I. Baker, and C. Knight
Thesis Abstracts [PDF] 25
  • C. Ankjaergaard
  • D. Pflanz
  • C. Lüthgens
  • F. Davids
  • L. Wacha
Bibliography [PDF] 29
Letters [PDF] 41
Errata: Estimating the error in equivalent dose values obtained from SAR [PDF] 51
ISSN 0735-1348 Published June 2011 by the Department of Geography and Earth Sciences, Aberystwyth University Aberystwyth, Ceredigion SY23 3DB, United Kingdom

Volume 29, No. 2: December 2011

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Title & Author Page
Effect of single-grain versus multi-grain aliquots in determining age for K-feldspars from southwestern British Columbia [PDF] 53
J. Feathers and J. Tunnicliffe
Optical dating of young feldspars: the zeroing question [PDF] 59
J. Ollerhead and D.J. Huntley
On the luminescence signal of empty sample carriers [PDF] 65
Supplement [PDF]
C. Schmidt, S. Kreutzer, M. Fattahi, R. Bailey, A. Zander, and L. Zöller
Thesis Abstracts [PDF] 75
  • R. Nathan
  • T. Rossenburg
  • T. Lauer
Bibliography [PDF] 79
Obituary † John Russell Prescott [PDF] 89
Obituary † Glenn Berger [PDF] 91
Announcements [PDF] 93
  • UK Luminescence and ESR Meeting 2012, Aberystwyth
ISSN 0735-1348 Published December 2011 by the Department of Geography and Earth Sciences, Aberystwyth University Aberystwyth, Ceredigion SY23 3DB, United Kingdom