Title & Author | Page |
Thermoluminescent Dating: Apparatus and procedure for measurement of thermoluminescence | 2 |
D.A. Wright | |
TL Colour: High vs. low dose measurements and the pre-dose mechanism | 6 |
I.K. Bailiff | |
TL Dating: Error implications in case of undetermined U-Th concentration ratio in pottery samples | 8 |
R. Sasidharan, C.M. Sunta, and K.S.V. Nambi | |
Some Recent Bibliography | 12 |
ISSN 0735-1348 Published 1978 by D.W. Zimmerman, Washington University in St. Louis St. Louis, Missouri 63130, United States |
Title & Author | Page |
Americium-241 for Alpha Irradiations | 2 |
A.K. Singhvi and M.J. Aitken | |
Attempts to Circumvent Anomalous Fading | 10 |
S. Sutton and D.W. Zimmerman | |
ISSN 0735-1348 Published 1978 by D.W. Zimmerman, Washington University in St. Louis St. Louis, Missouri 63130, United States |
Title & Author | Page |
The Effect of Sample Reflectance in Alpha Counting | 2 |
D.J. Huntley | |
The 1978 TL Seminar – Oxford | 3 |
Aqua Regia Wash for the Large Grain Dating Method | 4 |
R.P. Beukens and L.A. Pavlish | |
Some Recent Bibliography | 6 |
ISSN 0735-1348 Published 1978 by D.W. Zimmerman, Washington University in St. Louis St. Louis, Missouri 63130, United States |
Title & Author | Page |
In Memoriam | 2 |
More Hints on Spurious Reduction | 3 |
N.C. Debenham | |
A Blue-UV Absorbing Filter for Laboratory Illumination | 5 |
S.R. Sutton and D.W. Zimmerman | |
Letter to the Editors | 6 |
Interlaboratory Calibration of Radioactive Sources | 6 |
Preliminary Announcement 1980 TL Seminar | 7 |
Research Position Available | 7 |
Some Recent Bibliography | 7 |
Advanced TL Systems from Daybreak – Advertisement | 8 |
ISSN 0735-1348 Published 1978 by D.W. Zimmerman and S.R. Sutton, Washington University in St. Louis St. Louis, Missouri 63130, United States |